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How do I become a qualified IFBB judge?
The new judges’ course will be presented every year. All aspiring judges should attend the course and write and pass the exam involved. Should you be interested in becoming a judge/statistician but the new judges course is not presented in your Province, you may attend the course in another Province. The new judges’ course will be held at least once in the beginning of the year between 15 January and 28 February.
Each applicant is expected to put all their efforts and dedication in to the NEW JUDGES COURSE for one full season. Judging for the IFBB is a commitment made by individuals and should be considered a long-term dedication. The New Judges Course should be completed by those truly interested in furthering the process to become a true Judge of the IFBB.
Each applicant will be asked to fill out an official document which will pledge their commitment, and as this is done he/she automatically then become an official of the IFBB, and is bound by the RULES, REGULATIONS and CRITERIA as set out by the IFBB.
This course is a one full bodybuilding and fitness season commitment (i.e. for one year).
You will be required to complete the theory course, write and pass the exam and trial judge at three required shows within that same year.
The new applicant will need to attend the “full day” theory course – and a week later to attend the theory exam (the date / time and venue will be given to you by the Chief Judge). The new applicant will need to pass the theory exam with no less than 80%. Many candidates will pass first time, but for those that do not make this pass grade, a rewrite can be arranged for yet another week later.
Once successful with the theory - the new trainee judge will then move on to the three TRIAL JUDGING SESSIONS within the same year– and must attain a minimum score of 70% for each one.
Once qualified as a Provincial judge, you can progress to becoming a National/International/Elite Pro judge. The requirements of progressing will be addressed during the judges’ course.
How do I become a qualified IFBB statistician?
To qualify as a statistician, you must pass the judges exam, as it is important that you know how the show runs, and you need to be able to pick up if judges make any mistakes or if there are any of the rules and regulations that are not being applied during the show.
All aspiring statisticians should attend the judges course and write and pass the exam involved. Should you be interested in becoming a judge/statistician but the new judges course is not presented in your Province, you may attend the course in another Province. The course will be held at least once in the beginning of the year between 15 January and 28 February.
Each applicant will be asked to fill out an official document which will pledge their commitment, and as this is done he/she automatically then become an official of the IFBB, and is bound by the RULES, REGULATIONS and CRITERIA as set out by the IFBB.
This course is a one full bodybuilding and fitness season commitment (i.e. for one year).
You will be required to complete the theory course, write and pass the exam and trial judge at three required shows within that same year.
The new applicant will need to attend the “full day” theory course – and a week later to attend the theory exam (the date / time and venue will be given to you by the Chief Judge). The new applicant will need to pass the theory exam with no less than 80%. Many candidates will pass first time, but for those that do not make this pass grade, a rewrite can be arranged for yet another week later.
Once successful with the theory, the statistician will be required to work with/shadow a qualified statistician in the Province/District for one full season and to attend the statisticians workshop at the end of each year which are being held in conjunction with the SA’s.
How do I become an IFBB Committee Member?
Depending on your location, you can contact the relevant chairpersons, which you will find on our website or if you can’t find the relevant information, you can send an email to
How do I become an IFBB Backstage Manager?
To become a backstage manager, you must get in touch with the Chairperson in your Province/District. Alternatively you can send an email to